Thursday, June 5, 2008

Redigging the water pipes

In the summer of 2005, before Canadian Dome Industries started building the ring beam, my husband dug trenches, six feet deep from our two wells to the center of the dome. Then he laid water pipes in the trenches and covered them back up. he dug them six feet deep because that is what our neighbor in town, who used to live on a farm, said was the proper depth to prevent the pipes from freezing in the winter. However, during the year, we had two of our current neighbors visit the construction site and they both said that six feet was not deep enough, they had to be at least eight feet deep! So, as if we did not have enough to do before winter set in, my husband used his CAD digger, dug up the pipes, dug the trenches deeper and laid the pipes back down. However, this time we installed pitless adapters on both of the wells.


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