Thursday, June 26, 2008

East Bathroom

I like before and after pictures. The picture on the top is of the east bathroom before we started working on it. The picture on the bottom is how it looks today. We still have to put a cover on the front of the jet tub, but that is minor compared to all the other things we had to do to it.


At July 13, 2008 at 8:00 AM , Blogger Dene said...

This is exactly what my husband and I want to do - an off-grid monolithic dome - only we are in Texas, so the heat will be more of a problem than the cold.. would love to learn more about your experiences and challenges on this project.

At September 18, 2008 at 10:44 AM , Blogger Kate Speidel said...

Hi, I'm an architecture student in NYC and working on the design for a mostly passive solar, partially underground house in Vermont..

Your project is fascinating, and after seeing the impressive scope, I'm just wondering roughly what your budget was/is (not including the windmill and pv panels), and what the area of the house is..

My goal is 1,000 square feet at $100,000, not including land costs.. Is it possible??

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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