Off Grid Passive Solar Monolithic Dome
This blog describes the building of an off grid passive solar monolithic dome. After the building of the dome is finished, I will write about living off the grid, wind and solar power, energy efficiency, sustainable living and growing organic food. Start with April 2008 for the chronological story. Press Ctrl + End to get to the bottom of the page. That is where the story begins.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Electronics cabinet
Cabinets in the utility area
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sitting area
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Front entrance
When you first enter the dome, you end up in an air lock. The picture on the top shows the bench, coat rack and shelves that are inside the airlock. There is a similar setup on the other side of the airlock. Then there is a set of garden doors that lead into the dome. The picture on the bottom shows the garden doors from inside the dome. The airlock serves two purposes. In the winter, it allows people to enter the dome without letting the cold winter air into the dome directly. The second purpose is to allow people to enter and remove their coats and boots before entering the main part of the dome. This also works well in summer when you want to remove muddy boots before entering the dome.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Some of the finished shutters

This is a picture of one of the south windows with a complete set of thermal shutters. The bottom shutters are closed at night to keep the warmth in and the cold out - AND IT REALLY WORKS!!! Custom shutters were made for each of the seven doors and windows. Since this picture was taken, we have painted all the shutters white and my husband created special hinges so the upper shutters could be opened and closed.
Building the thermal shutters

An unexpected bonus
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wood splitter
In the fall of 2006, our neighbor introduced us to a lady who has several quarter sections of land not too far from us. Her property has a lot of old spruce trees on it that died when we had a drought several years ago. She had a logging company come and take out the large trees on one quarter section, but when they logged the property, they left the branches, and the smaller trees they had to cut, in large piles. This quarter section is her pasture, so the cows don't mind, but she hates to see the wood go to waste. So, for the past two falls, we made several trips to her property with our trailer and chain saw, filled the trailer with wood and brought it home. The wood needs to be cut and split, so my husband purchased a blade for cutting wood and a stickler for splitting wood. He then built the wood splitter pictured here. This is still a work in process. He wants to redesign the wood cutting portion of it. It has a small hydraulic motor that runs off the hydraulics of the tractor.
Propane tank
We are COMPLETELY off the grid. We do not have natural gas coming to the house, but we needed something for cooking and for heating hot water, so we purchased the 100 pound propane tank pictured here. One tank of propane lasts us 4-5 months. Our stove runs off of propane and we have an instant ON hot water heater that runs on propane. When the tank is empty, my husband puts it on the trailer and takes it to town to get it refilled.
Utility sink and washer
Redigging the water pipes
In the summer of 2005, before Canadian Dome Industries started building the ring beam, my husband dug trenches, six feet deep from our two wells to the center of the dome. Then he laid water pipes in the trenches and covered them back up. he dug them six feet deep because that is what our neighbor in town, who used to live on a farm, said was the proper depth to prevent the pipes from freezing in the winter. However, during the year, we had two of our current neighbors visit the construction site and they both said that six feet was not deep enough, they had to be at least eight feet deep! So, as if we did not have enough to do before winter set in, my husband used his CAD digger, dug up the pipes, dug the trenches deeper and laid the pipes back down. However, this time we installed pitless adapters on both of the wells.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Preparations for the Solar Panels

Our original plan was to add solar panels sometime in the future, but my husband was concerned that we might not have enough electricity for the winter with just the wind generator, so we decided to purchase some solar panels in the fall of 2006. Looking back at my 2006 calender, we only ran the gas generator two times in 2006 to fill the batteries. Once in October and once in December. Anyway, we ordered 8 solar panels from Sunfind Solar Products, but ended up with 10 panels because there was a deal on a model that was going out of production. The picture to the right shows the wooden and aluminum frame my husband built to hold the 10 solar panels.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Wood Stove
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Choosing a telephone system.
When it came to choosing a telephone system, we basically had three choices. We could go with a regular land line, a cell phone or Voice over IP (VoIP). I started calling Telus in May to find out what it would take to get service to our new house. The said they would have to send a rep out. They gave us a date the rep would be there and said we had to be at the site from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We spent the whole day waiting for the rep to show up, but no one ever did. When I called Telus to complain, they gave me some excuse and set another date. This happened 3-4 times before a rep finally showed up in August or Sept. He said it would cost about $1, 000 to get the phone line to the house and that they might not be able to do it before freeze up. That meant we would have to wait until spring to get a Telus land line! The second option was to go with a cell phone, but I do not like the fact that you are locked into a contract for a certain time period and I do not like being exposed to the radio frequencies all the time. So, I started investigating Voice over IP. My neighbor said that they had their VoIP phone with Vonage. After doing some investigation, we decided to go with Vonage. We contacted them and in a very short time, we received the the Vonage device pictured in this picture in the mail. All we had to do was to plug the Vonage device into our router and plug our phone into the device. Bingo! we had a phone!! It was that easy. Now, granted VOIP has its drawbacks, but for the most part it works for us. No more long distance charges! North America is my local calling area. And it only costs about $20 per month.